The cult surrounding him even gained prominence in parts of continental Europe.
Subsequently, the combined PAVN forces were able to achieve the element of surprise, and quickly gain ground in various parts of the country.
Greece did gain most of the islands in the Aegean Sea from Turkey and parts of Bulgaria.
It is a popular sport in Japan and Europe and is gaining in popularity in other parts of the world.
These are beginning to gain popularity in other parts of the United States.
The uniform thickness slabs are much thicker than slabs of the in-ground beam system, and have gained some prominence in certain parts of the world.
The idea is similar to School Theatre projects, theatres by students, that have gained momentum in various parts of West Bengal.
Azmi has still managed to strike a chord with Muslims even as he gains popularity in other parts of the state.
Already during his lifetime, he gained recognition in other parts of Yugoslavia, especially in Serbia.
Hill was to gain commissions for more substantial buildings, and for gaining such commissions in other parts of the country.