He has gained only one victory in the last five weeks.
Others say that only the assassination of a prominent political figure could halt the momentum that the talks have gained in the last three weeks.
Although the proposal was in the works long before Sept. 11, it gained momentum in the weeks after the terrorist attacks, officials said.
Compaq, which had gained 24 points in the previous two weeks, fell 315/16 , to 128 1/8.
The new stable gained prominence in the following weeks and months.
Weiner started out last in many polls, but gained ground in the final weeks of the campaign, coming in second.
The first day I got back to work, my foreman asked me what I had gained in the last twelve weeks.
She'd gained at least fifteen kilos in the last two weeks, and it was all Roger could do to prop up her weight.
The fetus will gain more than half its birth weight in the next seven weeks.
A few days later, the video was released on YouTube, where it gained more than 500,000 views in the first two weeks.