The committee did gain jurisdiction over veterans' benefits when it successfully passed the War Risk Insurance Act of 1917.
In 1371 the Ecumenical Patriarchate once again gained jurisdiction of the southern eparchies.
The Iowa Highway Commission did not gain jurisdiction over public roads until 1924.
They gained jurisdiction through deputization by county sheriffs.
At some point, it was controlled by Omnia (Small Gods), but it can be assumed they have gained personal jurisdiction.
Whenever Parliament invokes the power, it gains not only jurisdiction over the work but also any necessarily incidental operations.
Atty. Mina won the case and Montogawe gained jurisdiction over Tolarucan.
In law, bootstrapping can also refer to an attempt to gain jurisdiction over a non-jurisdictional matter by its circuitous relationship to a jurisdictional matter.
In this way, the European Court of Human Rights will gain significant jurisdiction over EU institutions.
CESID, in particular, was reported to be seeking to gain exclusive jurisdiction over police foreign intelligence activities.