The requirement for increased visibility conflicted with this and ultimately gained precedence.
As the day wore on, it became more than obvious he was avoiding her and the voice of caution gained precedence over the other, saner part of reason.
The Tenkalai sect had the sanction of antiquity and custom resulting in Tenkalai gaining precedence.
The cost of obtaining them determined the standard, and printed books gradually gained precedence.
His infatuation for reading quickly gained precedence over his love of music.
The record shows that other parts of the world invariably gain precedence.
"If one individual can be singled out to be honoured as the founder of ecology, Warming should gain precedence".
The uniformed branch began to gain precedence and CID was increasingly put under uniformed command.
Rusbridger countered them by being available for TV interviews over three days to ensure that their version of events did not gain precedence.
Edzard Reuter, the chairman of Daimler-Benz's managing board, said the company "finds itself in a phase where securing what has been achieved is gaining precedence."