Mr. Harrison reaches a little too easily for elemental ditties, although his music significantly gains luster with repetition.
As training camp ended, Zolak gained significantly more playing time during drills and the preseason matchups then he had under Parcells.
But if Vice President Gore is seen by Monday to be gaining significantly, it would become progressively harder to ignore the facts.
However in the final few weeks, McBride gained significantly to clinch a victory by less than five thousand votes.
"And on each run and each reach, we gained significantly."
Even though the vice president is the best debater in presidential politics today, Mr. Bush could gain significantly with a better-than-expected performance.
He welcomed her, and with that the comfort of the hive mind gained significantly for them all.
Alonso gained significantly on Schumacher, but could not pass him.
The outermost regions, which include the Canaries and the French overseas departments, would therefore gain significantly from there being a common immigration policy.