In a theatrical but gallant attempt to dominate the Roman mob, he failed, and was killed.
Hobart was not quite beaten, however; he was making one last, gallant attempt to speak his mind.
Well, it'll be a big smash if I fail in it; but a gallant attempt.
David made one gallant attempt to climb, then groaned, collapsing to a rock, head down.
The major shot two and received an assegai in the arm during this gallant attempt.
It is also a gallant attempt to change attitudes and pierce preconceptions.
His death and the fact that you made a gallant but losing attempt to save his life played on her feminine emotions.
He was about to make a gallant attempt when the door opened, and the First Lady sailed in.
The novice squared his shoulders and made a gallant attempt to look unconcerned.
And though he was making a gallant attempt to smile, his face was grim.