This program, which includes a gallery tour, a lecture and a reception, will take place on April 16 from 2 to 5 p.m.
I would even recommend doing a gallery tour in Chelsea before heading to this museum.
For its inaugural weekend, starting Sept. 20, the museum will hold an open house, with live music and gallery tours.
There is also a gallery tour and an art-making activity.
The free 40-minute experience includes an introductory film and gallery tour of the production process.
It is about looking at art, and consists of a gallery tour followed by an art-making project.
A gallery tour and refreshments will be offered following each tour.
Live music, contests, gallery tours and refreshments will be offered.
Each starts out with an affable-looking guide taking a group of eager youngsters on a gallery tour.
It also has gallery tours and course-related exhibitions that are run by the faculty.