Then I urged my horse on and galloped faster.
Jhary laughed as he slapped his horse's rump to make it gallop faster.
The lead horses, spurred by their riders, gallop faster.
Her heart galloped yet faster.
The farther we went the faster galloped my horse, and soon there were but three men as near the dogs as I was.
And faster flying and faster still They gallop fast and faster.
A little thing will start them, and, if the wind be favourable, they gallop over miles of country faster than a horse.
The village came in sight at last and when he saw it Hawkmoon began to gallop faster.
One man who escaped did so by spurring his horse to gallop faster, hence the naming of the battle "Spur's Defeat".
Under the breastbone his heart turned traitor, galloping wildly faster and faster.