The Yankees have won all of his starts but one, and he has never left a game trailing.
Now they are 30-32, trailing the Baltimore Orioles by six games with 100 to go.
With this field goal, the Falcons' trend then simmered to 4 out of their last 5 games trailing a team.
The game trails Horn now followed would be submerged fathoms deep.
Evidence of these first people is scant in this area, but they undoubtedly followed the game trails along the Esopus.
He left the game trailing by 1-0 but came within inches of completing his tenure in a scoreless tie.
Gartner's goals allowed the Rangers to climb back briefly into the game, trailing, 3-2.
They'll come back soon, and when they come we'll be here, familiar with the country, knowing where to find water, where the game trails run.
Too many game trails to follow and too many players to identify without a comprehensive score card.
Rusch left the game trailing, and Valentine said he was happy the Mets came back.