In between touring, blogging, and Twittering, he gamely took the time to answer some questions about his craft.
He was subdued, but gamely took two or three gulps of milk.
McCall Smith gamely takes on the task of distinguishing between the good and the bad things that have come to Botswana from the West.
Donald gamely takes four pages to explain patiently that the relationship between Lincoln and Joshua Speed was not sexual, not homoerotic.
On February 20, 1999, Whitaker suffered his first sound defeat against the much bigger, much fresher Félix Trinidad, gamely taking the Puerto Rican the distance.
He called on my brother, Andrew, who gamely took to the rake.
Korchnoi gamely took the sacrificed rook with 38 ... Q-KB6; 39 Q-K6!
The agent, a sweet-faced young blonde in large sunglasses, gamely took my abuse in front of two colleagues.
He even gamely took a sip of hot chocolate, and left without a drop on his uniform, to Sonya's relief and everyone else's disappointment.