The gang, led by William Foster, committed various acts of robbery and murder.
The gang led by Kenneth Metcalfe will stop at nothing to retrieve the item.
Over 5,000 people assembled to watch members of the gang being led to the gallows.
On the way he runs into his old gang, led by Spangler, who plan on robbing the town.
Armed gangs led by partisan leaders controlled the streets of Rome.
He begins by battling a gang led by an outlaw of the name "Bloody Tom".
In recent years, there have even been several book-stealing gangs, led by bookstore owners.
However, she is being followed by a gang, led by a furious Telugu-speaking lady.
The club turns out to be a gang led by Little Vinnie.
From the 1920s to the mid-1930s, Nhà Bè was a haven for hundreds of armed gangs led by several leaders.