Numerous gangs began to form among the youth that rejected the old gang names.
They consented to interviews on the condition that only these gang names be used.
Players all share an emblem that appears on the back of their character, as well as have their gang name displayed with other information during battles.
Everything there had been covered with that same uniform layer of spraybomb graffiti: gang names, dates back to the turn of the century.
She had her gang name tattooed in inch-high letters on her left breast.
When Mr. Salinas was young, he said, members might wear their gang name on the back of a jacket.
Bono is derived from some gang name he acquired during a recent delinquent youth.
In the second season, the gang name was used more, suggesting that any concern that may have existed had been worked out.
Lindsey's Facebook page showed he had a gang name.
What kind of gang name was that?