"He was a big, gangly kid, but I knew he could run," Smith said.
Even their gangly, bored kids sat a little straighter.
Brady still looked like a gangly kid this week, wearing sweatshirts and a baseball cap to his press conferences here.
His fans might have swooned over him, Roy decided, but he looked like nothing more than a gangly kid.
The gangly kid scowled and prodded Richard with his rifle.
"The bullet needs to come out," he said to the gangly kid.
I was just a gangly kid, and he was kind.
Sampras was just a gangly kid with a catapult serve and bushy black hair back then.
Eddie Como's lawyer stepped aside, and a gangly kid who couldn't have been more than eighteen took his place.
She lives with her mother at the poorest part of town, and had apparently been a skinny and gangly kid up until the past winter.