At first, that two-hundred-and-ten-hour gap in my memory caused me some concern.
However, if the gap in the Target sequence does not cause the bases to pair this is considered one mismatch.
Wider gaps between ratios allow a higher 1st gear ratio for better manners in traffic, but cause engine speed to decrease more when shifting.
The wide gap between large-cap growth stocks and the rest of the market has caused hedge-fund managers to change some habits.
Everyone was concerned that the gaps between the sections might cause gaps in the actual sheets of water.
The concept of information asymmetry demonstrates the need for auditors as it shows how the gap in information can cause market inefficiencies.
The gaps cause power loss, and ultimately mean that the engine needs to be rebuilt or replaced.
But tiny gaps across the generational divide cause them to miss a beat or two.
The continued gaps in disclosure have caused some lawmakers to call for new federal laws.
This is because gaps formed by missing teeth can cause periodontal disease and infections that may affect a person's ability to eat or speak.