The gardens were recently updated to reflect current Bernheim Select perennials as well as old garden favorites and include examples of cutting, shade and butterfly gardens.
Some garden favorites have been named for the type of insects they attract.
The lucky plant is none other than that somewhat lowly garden favorite, sweet alyssum.
Irises have a family name all their own, Iridaceae, which includes not only many iris species of the Northern Hemisphere but also several garden favorites like crocus and freesia.
Here is an opportunity to expand the spectrum of possible plants for garden cultivation, including some of the trailing and lower growing perennials that have long been garden favorites.
Some garden favorites develop their flower buds and bloom on the wood that they grow this season.
Snowdrops are simplicity itself, which is probably why they have been garden favorites for centuries.
They are also attracted to many other garden favorites including geraniums, ageratums, rudbeckias, etc.
This one is a garden favorite, but it is hard to keep under control.
Old garden favorites such as wiegela and hydrangea suddenly appeared in public with deliberately mottled leaves.