The film finds wit in period touches, like Debby's garish costume of boots, miniskirt and leopard-print blouse.
A typical burlesque act may include striptease, expensive or garish costumes, bawdy humor, cabaret and more.
These tableaux give the actors a chance to wear garish costumes.
The group performed with "garish costumes" and was described as a "mild-mannered musical comedy quartet".
Behind them, Baranovich's possessed were mustering on the walkway, garish costumes agleam in the rainy dusk.
Willa Kim's intentionally garish costumes make the dancers resemble carnival entertainers.
That garish costume, and the bowtie-he winds it up and it spins!
All the "social consultants," but Ms. Quillin especially, get to wear outlandishly garish costumes.
The garish costume looked strangely out of place in the wilderness of Llyrath Forest.
Kelly Preston plays Kate crisply enough to transcend the film's garish costumes and harsh lighting.