In the vast 2,000-seat Rossiya Concert Hall, the story of Mikhoels's life, presented in sketches by two well-known actors, was punctuated by variety show dance numbers and songs, garish purple lighting, dry ice and strobe lights.
With glass-topped tables, garish lighting and art limited to Vietnamese tourist scenes and a poster of tapioca drinks, New Saigon puts little premium on aesthetics.
Here, at last, is the impersonal ballroom with garish lighting and folding round tables, the throng of attendees whose hands can be shaken and shoulders gripped.
Tom Steele manipulates the garish colored lighting of commercial buildings, making the commonplace appear uncommonly intense.
The stage pictures and their garish lighting are ugly, perhaps intentionally so, but this is an opera not about spectacle but movement.
He said he remembered his first date with the woman he later married, during which he was self-conscious about his "thinning hair and furrowed brow," revealed by harsh, garish lighting.
The exception is in the casinos, which are simply coin boxes wrapped in garish, unfriendly lighting - like pachinko parlours.
The lighting, subtle and garish, was by Jonathan Belcher, with art direction by Marcos Rosales and Ms. Hassabi.
The horror cliches - the protruding arms, garish lighting and rivulets of blood - are almost renewed by this fantastical element.
I Map A 647m voyage with entertainment from budget effects, garish lighting and dreadful props, the Bund Sightseeing Tunnel is a transport mode that guarantees to get you to Pǔdōng in an altered state.