Cream the butter with garlic, shallots, parsley, lemon juice and salt and pepper to taste.
Another excellent entree was the crisp confit of duck, with a warm lentil salad and sweet garlic juice.
Take one ounce of alum and one ounce of white garlic juice.
Nothing, including extremely rank garlic juice, worked until I hooked up my vacuum cleaner to a very long extension cord and went after them with the hose.
Add garlic, parsley, dill, lemon juice, and olive oil, and mix together.
It has a clear broth seasoned with salt, minced garlic, ginger juice, and chopped scallions.
Add garlic, oil, lemon juice, salt, pepper and parsley.
Seasonings typically include pepper, salt, chopped (sometimes sautéed) onions, garlic, lemon juice, and/or paprika.
Make a vinaigrette by combining garlic, lime juice and 5 tablespoons of the peanut oil in a jar.
Puree the ground spices in a blender with the garlic, ginger, oil, water, cayenne, lemon juice and salt.