In industries like garment manufacturing, owners can easily shift their sewing machines to a country with cheap labor.
It was used in the garment manufacturing and sales industries.
Once an area of garment manufacturing and lofts, it has become a center for publishing companies and advertising agencies in recent years.
However, since the late 1990s, tourism is fast becoming Cambodia's second largest industry, just behind the garment manufacturing.
Automobile manufacturing, garment manufacturing, world-class real estate and shopping malls are the other main industries.
Propelled by these twin forces, tourism and garment manufacturing, economists forecast that Cambodia's economy will grow 5 percent this year, matching last year's level.
But Mr. Massa noted that with garment manufacturing, he could have 300 or 400 people working in his incubator space.
In fact, the zoning law does not set aside space for garment manufacturing per se.
There are two main industries in Chinatown - garment manufacturing and tourist-related stores and restaurants.
But Chicago, which has little garment manufacturing and no major designers, will probably never threaten New York as an industry capital.