The baroness stood at the garret window, looking down into the street.
Anticipating the rising of the wind, that very evening, Cassy had been up and opened the garret window.
Now, for the two of you Waking up in a royal bed by a garret window.
He rolled on his side, toward the little round garret window that looked out onto the basalt hillside touched now with the glint of starlight.
He didn't dare go to the garret window that would give him a view of Alakut.
Early the next morning, as a member of the lynch mob passed by the courthouse, he happened to glance up at the garret window.
The garret windows, including the one with the ghostly face, were not installed until weeks after Wells' death.
I hoped Stephen would see us from the garret window and make good his escape.
X "Look at it, Rashmika," he said, inviting the girl to stand by the garret window and admire the view for herself.
Not even a tarnished light shone in a garret window.