I'm a garrulous old man who has crowded you into wasting time listening to trivia.
At their core, his novels feature garrulous men on the move.
He is for the most part not a garrulous man.
But was this the same garrulous man I had known - this silent, staring president?
At this time, the British ambassador described him as a "garrulous old man".
Tell me what the garrulous old man had to say to you in brief, of course.
Mr. Hill, a garrulous man, has an opinion on almost everything.
Even off the air, he is a garrulous man who will talk about hockey at length with anyone.
He was a lively, garrulous man, and any fears I'd had that he wouldn't do business with a kid soon went by the board.
Why, certes, be on thy way, and do not stay to ask leave of a garrulous old man!