CS gas, commonly known as tear gas, was used in the jungle location.
The gas, known as Ferret 40, was used against crowds during the riots following the demolition, although it is designed to penetrate doors and walls.
So they had to use hydrogen, one of the most explosive gases known.
This is the gas known as ozone.
They considered what might happen if the superheated gas known as plasma entered the wheel well through one or more broken insulating tiles.
By 1845, Michael Faraday had managed to liquefy most permanent gases then known to exist.
Ammonia has a higher solubility in water than any other gas known.
A compressor compresses the cool gas known as a refrigerant, causing it to become hot.
De Boer's research caused him to speculate ethylene as a gas known to possess this sweet odor.
The underwater plume was enhanced in gases known to dissolve readily in water, the team found.