This can lead to low gas leakages.
The fire department suspected that the explosion was caused by gas leakage.
Pieces of structure punctured the rear gas cells and caused gas leakage.
There was a large crack in the welding of the main pipe that caused the gas leakage.
ZipLoc bags are awful at preventing gas leakage, I am afraid.
After saving twenty factory workers from a gas leakage, Quagmire went into a coma.
Contamination at the site and surrounding area was not caused by the gas leakage.
After saving thirty factory workers from a gas leakage in an industrial accident, Quagmire went into a coma.
The fire department suspected that the explosion was caused by a gas leakage in one of the retail lots.
Using argon reduces gas leakage, compared with the helium used in the preceding five decades.