Under this plan gas marketers would provide the additional money to replace the remaining coal-burning furnaces in exchange for gas supply contracts.
The combined company would be the nation's third-largest independent natural gas marketer and the fourth-largest gatherer.
Consumers who have signed contracts with a natural gas marketer will pay the price set out in their contract.
The Board licenses all natural gas marketers who sell natural gas to residential and small commercial consumers.
The Shell Oil Company agreed today to buy the Tejas Gas Corporation, a major natural gas marketer and pipeline operator, for $1.45 billion in cash.
Pricing Index Provides a central location for you to compare rate plans from certified natural gas marketers.
Its primary non-regulated activities include Laclede Energy Resources, Inc., a natural gas marketer located in St. Louis, Missouri.
Peter and Donnie Farrell of Branford, a natural gas marketer and a dental hygienist, both in their late 50's, said they intend to keep their $600.
But natural gas marketers believe that consumption of their fuel is held down by fears of short gas supplies.
Andy Straisfeld was the youngest candidate, at 29, and worked as a natural gas marketer.