Turboprop engines are gas-turbine engines that deliver almost all of their power to a shaft to drive a propeller.
In the modern world, it would make gas-turbine engines practical for locomotives and motorcars.
Textron Lycoming, which makes the 1,500-horsepower gas-turbine engine that drives the M-1 tank, said it has also seen a boost in military sales.
EGT is also a measure of engine health in gas-turbine engines (see below).
The gas-turbine engine roared, the high-speed starter motor whined, and the two forty-eight-foot rotor blades began to turn.
The prototype consisted of an undividable set of 5 cars and 2 power-cars at both end, each power-car powered by two gas-turbine engine.
For propulsion it is fitted with a gas-turbine engine, having a thrust of 25 kg, with an endurance of 30-45 minutes.
For example, a gas-turbine engine works on the basic Brayton cycle.
It sat solidly on six tires, the rear four were independently powered by gas-turbine engines.
Even if the Army is going to produce fewer gas-turbine engines, it will need the equipment here.