Next, the fundamentals of gasification are described, followed by a description of gasification technologies and gas cleaning processes.
Describes the fundamentals of gasification, gasification technologies, and gas cleaning processes .
Ze-gen, Inc. is a renewable energy company developing advanced gasification technology to convert waste into synthesis gas.
In addition, the state signed an agreement with Brazil last May to explore the applications of the gasification technology for agricultural waste, specifically sugar cane.
In 2009 21stCenturyMotorworks was reported on mass media to have developed gasification technology in a prototype pickup truck that could use any biomass materials for fuel.
Now, making gasification technology more valuable, the company is moving to less attractive fuels.
(Some by-products like tar, phenols, etc. are also possible end products, depending on the specific gasification technology utilized.)
The biggest long-term draw for gasification technology is its ability to capture carbon before combustion.
Still, the energy bill may have some incentives for industry to adopt gasification technology, and the Department of Energy will continue related efforts.
This type of gasification process provides many advantages over alternative gasification technologies: