The power to run the mixing machine was a gasoline motor, which chug-chugged away in one corner of the cave.
Three feet beneath this hangs the gasoline motor which is to supply the power.
In a corner stood a mounted machine that was attached to a small gasoline motor.
The boat is accessible by ramp, but no gasoline motors are permitted.
Boaters are not allowed to use gasoline motors, but fishing is still a popular recreational activity on the lake.
It must have sounded a little like an old one-lung gasoline motor.
It had many new innovations for gasoline motors, including a self-starting device.
Then one of those things, which may happen at any time to a gasoline motor, happened to Andy's.
But three hours is about 2 hours and 57 minutes too long when compared with the "recharge" time for gasoline motors.
The gasoline motor that drove it was backfiring and smoking.