A section of gasoline pipeline that ruptured in a fatal explosion Thursday was not checked for damage after a runaway train plowed across it two weeks earlier, the line's owner said today.
A1 Nigerians Killed by Blast More than 100 people were killed after a damaged gasoline pipeline exploded in southern Nigeria.
And E85 cannot be transported through gasoline pipelines, because it sucks up grime and water.
A week later an underground gasoline pipeline explodes killing 2 more people.
Fifth Columnists have just blown up the gasoline pipeline from Lee Morley's plant to the airport.
On June 10, 1999, a gasoline pipeline operated by Olympic Pipeline Company exploded in Bellingham, Washington's Whatcom Falls Park.
The disaster started at 3:25 that afternoon when a gasoline pipeline ruptured due to various errors and malfunction on the part of Olympic Pipeline and others.
On June 10, 1999, a gasoline pipeline operated by Olympic Pipeline that passes over Whatcom Creek split a seam and dumped about 277,000 gallons into the creek, which then exploded.
All major gasoline pipelines are now in operation, preventing the supply disruptions that many feared.
The first was new water pipes that were built too close to an existing gasoline pipeline.