Maybe that is why prices near $3 a gallon haven't put a significant dent in Americans' overall gasoline use.
Also, all of these calculations are using engines that have been optimized for gasoline use.
American gasoline use is already expected to grow by up to 33 percent by 2010.
Highway miles traveled rose 3.3 percent, the institute said, leading to a 1.4 percent increase in gasoline use, to 7.3 million barrels a day.
In 2017, this will displace 15 percent of projected annual gasoline use.
Still another reason for greater gasoline use is that this country has more cars per 1,000 population.
Its hybrid engine can combine gasoline use with diesel, electric or methane.
The prices of products whose production or delivery is intensive in gasoline use would rise because of the tax.
In the first three quarters of the year, gasoline use grew by 2 percent, nearly twice last year's pace.
The single largest source of emissions for the typical household is from driving (gasoline use).