Electrical equipment in the fueling area may be specially certified for use around gasoline vapors.
Health officials, who monitor 120 shallow wells near the houses for gasoline vapors, also say that the fumes are not a serious problem.
Finally, the strategy includes a system to extract gasoline vapors that would otherwise seep into the homes.
The health department monitors 78 wells near the houses for any gasoline vapors.
The gasoline vapor in the cylinders was being compressed.
Top on the forgotten list, he says, is a plan to control the release of gasoline vapors at service stations.
The automotive and oil industries have differed over ways to control emissions from gasoline vapors.
"Sort of like someone striking a match in a room full of gasoline vapors?"
Then his hand fell, and his lungs filled with the inhaled gasoline vapor.
When the bomb went off in an hour the gasoline vapors would enhance the explosion and ensure that a very hot fire resulted.