And they will provide better gas mileage than gasoline-powered engines.
For gasoline-powered engines, also be aware that it takes more battery power to start your vehicle in cold weather than in warm.
Unlike many other previous electric cars, the Impact does not have an auxiliary gasoline-powered engine.
Boating is permitted on the lake as long as gasoline-powered engines are not used.
The battery powers an electric motor that supplements, or takes over for, the gasoline-powered engine.
The gasoline-powered engine is used only to recharge the battery once it runs out of power.
The European models were initially only available with the following gasoline-powered 4-cylinder engines:
The Russian models are available with the following gasoline-powered 4-cylinder engines:
The much-talked-about hydrogen economy, in which gasoline-powered engines are replaced by fuel cells, is also not a solution.
Ford later added a workshop, where he experimented with gasoline-powered engines.