But perhaps he could think of no words bad enough because he began to cry instead, loud, gasping sobs, eyes wide and streaming.
But later-" She spoke to him through a series of gasping sobs that should have made her hard to understand but didn't.
Elizabeth was weeping in gasping sobs, struggling to sit up, her eyes almost black with shock.
Slowly at first, then in gasping sobs, the tears came.
Great gasping sobs exploded from her chest, and she let them.
Great gasping sobs shook him and Moichi pulled him close, stroking his head.
I found myself emitting long, gasping sobs.
The woman continued to call out; her voice was weakening and broken by long gasping sobs.
She begged, her words muffled, gasping sobs behind the pillowcase.
She wept until there was nothing inside her but low, gasping sobs and her body was limp.