Mr. Moore says he himself suffers from a chronic gastric disorder that is helped by the drug.
They are known to cause liver damage, gastric disorders, damage to the reproductive system and other health problems.
But he cautioned that anyone considering using red pepper should first check with a doctor to rule out underlying gastric disorders.
He is remembered for his description of a rare gastric disorder that was later to become known as Ménétrier's disease.
This remedy is most often needed in chest complaints and gastric or bowel disorders.
Both books advocate the use of oxide of silver as a remedy for several gastric disorders.
Women must wait until dark to defecate in order to protect their modesty (and often suffer from gastric disorders).
Possible side effects include routine gastric disorders and neurovegetative disorders.
One opponent announced that she was having gastric disorders and retired to the ladies' room for 20 minutes.
Native people used preparations of the roots to treat gastric disorders.