He lives in London with an industrial oven and near terminal gastric reflux.
Treating the patient's other conditions including gastric reflux and allergies may improve lung function.
It does, however, contribute to problems with gastric reflux, a condition popularly known as heartburn that can lead to serious esophageal disease.
A very few infants have gastric reflux or allergies to cow's milk or formula, but a vast majority are perfectly healthy.
He reduced the acidity in his food to minimize gastric reflux, which can aggravate the problem.
A wide range of miscellaneous factors may contribute to this taste disorder, such as gastric reflux, lead poisoning, and diabetes mellitus.
It is not known if surgery or other medical treatment to stop gastric reflux lowers the risk of adenocarcinoma of the esophagus.
This and other research implicates pepsin in carcinogenesis attributed to gastric reflux.
Research to develop new pepsin-targeted therapeutic and diagnostic tools for gastric reflux is ongoing.
However, when its purpose is to reduce gastric reflux, difficulty in vomiting may be an undesired outcome.