It is the first house completed in what will be a four-home gated compound.
Over the years, the three buildings in die walled and gated compound had been used as a refuge for a veritable "Who's Who" of international terror.
The streets and squares beyond the gated compound were quiet at the end of the festival.
According to public records, she purchased the gated compound in 2007 for $4.5 million.
Dhahran has been Saudi Aramco's headquarters for 80 years and is its first and largest gated compound with over 9,700 residents.
The sedan began to move again, and a few minutes later the driver pulled up to a gated compound.
With its semiprivate beaches within a gated compound, it is the most typical Caribbean resort on the island.
This gated compound included multiple houses, expansive gardens, bird cages and swimming pools.
Airstrikes destroyed at least three buildings in this gated compound.
Penthouse life is not what one normally associates with Southern California, land of the rambling ranch and the gated compound.