Several hundred had gathered at the high place, within the sound of rushing water from the stream.
At the wedding celebrations the gods refused to have the served food unless Shiva performed a majestic dance for everybody gathered at the place.
In recent weeks, a new crowd gathered at the place where gawkers once gawked.
People still gather at the place for Eid prayer congregation.
The speech was delivered to a huge crowd gathered at the place where the battle had been fought, Gazimestan in the Central Kosovo.
One night Shaikh Madar saw in a dream that pilgrims are gathered at the place of Arafat.
And as the years came and went, now one, now another failed to gather at the usual place.
Before that the highlanders merely gathered at the place of battle and charged the enemy.
Tens of thousands of people gathered at the place where the World Trade Center towers once stood.
Gather group at the appropriate place (whatever is usual in parish)