Torre hopes to gather more information firsthand in the years ahead.
Zionism, which gathered converts in the years before World War II, also boosted Hanukkah's stock.
Most of the data on human rights violations in Croatia gathered by the United Nations in the last four years have been stolen, United Nations officials said today.
What if the independent movement does not gather steam in the next two years, and voters are left with a choice in 1996 between the two major parties?
Soon, they end up beneath a cherry blossom tree, where Kaoru tells him that they will invite everyone for a cherry blossom viewing, and continue to gather in the years to come.
And I knew it at once to be the burial place of mortal Christians and a place where they had sometimes gathered in the very first years of the sect.
You cannot even publish what you have gathered in the last five years.
Had I published it sooner I would not have been able to back it up with the extraordinary research that has only begun to gather steam in the last 10 to 15 years.
You few lost Earthlings have accumulated, in the course of heaping disasters upon yourselves, more data than my masters have gathered in the last thousand years.
He's gathered a lot of power to himself in the past few years.