I must attend a gathering called by the denday, but I will return at intervals to see what progress you make.
These gatherings, called olturax, grew to perform important political and economic functions in Yining life.
The emotional cultural clash sparked by the hunt was illustrated this evening by separate gatherings called to mark the event.
The bifolios are nested inside of each other and sewn together to form gatherings called quires.
A popular or people's assembly is a gathering called to address issues of importance to participants.
The gatherings, called "Night for the Museum", are free to the public, but donations are encouraged.
Such regular small meetings are punctuated by large gatherings called Conventions, which are held several times a year.
An annual gathering of followers, called ijtema, is summoned at headquarters of the respective countries.
Besides the yearly national convention, the fraternity also hosts another annual, national gathering called Conclave.
From 1929, they all had a joint gathering called Ĝenerala Estraro (general board).