He has sometimes made appearances at the annual gathering known as the Rimini Meeting held during the late summer months in Italy.
This graduation from warrior to junior elder takes place at large gathering known as Eunoto.
It was the sort of gathering known in the trade as "rent-a-crowd."
Filk music is most commonly performed in a gathering known as a Filk Circle.
This first meeting was successful, and it became an annual gathering known as the Bilderberg Group.
She also participated in artists' gatherings known in the Balkans as "artistic colonies."
It also appears at corporate gatherings, known as industrials.
The clans in the surrounding area would gather at Town Creek for periodic gatherings known as "busks".
They are generally served at a gathering known as a crawfish boil.
During spring, gatherings of jays, known as 'crow marriages', take place in which individuals search for a mate.