The gaunt-faced man swung down from his saddle.
The gaunt-faced man hesitated, and Bornhald put a snap into his voice.
They were front and profile views of a gaunt-faced man with a beaklike nose.
He was a gaunt-faced man of about forty-five well preserved years.
She pointed to the nearest survivor, a gaunt-faced man whose pocket nametag was half burned off.
Cheered by the prospect of dinner with Paul, she looked up to see a gaunt-faced man staring uncertainly across at her.
The gaunt-faced man had almost the Questioner's light in his eyes, but he was a good soldier despite.
He was a gaunt-faced man who had been disappointed in his albino son.
One of these, a gaunt-faced man past middle age, casually looked up as Jean entered.
The gaunt-faced man had no choice but to bow again and leave.