In 1973, it carried gavel-to-gavel coverage of the Senate Watergate hearings.
But, he said, at least they were providing him an opportunity to be the anchor of gavel-to-gavel coverage, as in the old days.
"We will have gavel-to-gavel coverage by the end of this session."
The conventions are not just political theater, but really serious stuff, and that's why all the networks have an obligation to give gavel-to-gavel coverage.
The service will provide gavel-to-gavel coverage to its affiliates, which have the option of carrying the hearings or running other programs.
The networks should be required to provide gavel-to-gavel coverage of the conventions, as was the norm in years past.
His paper did not expect gavel-to-gavel coverage from him, leaving that to the news agencies.
They should recognize the benefits of gavel-to-gavel coverage both for the public and the Court.
C-Span, the public affairs network, will offer gavel-to-gavel coverage with little interpretation.
If their problem is one of perception, he added, "we could have ended it with extensive and possibly gavel-to-gavel coverage."