Not even the gay escort of two pods of dolphins seemed to cheer the man.
GSN is also developing a parody game based on Kim Jong-il and may consider a game focused on the Rev. Ted Haggard, the Christian evangelical leader who admitted to buying drugs from a gay escort in Colorado.
What do you make of Ted Haggard, who just stepped down as the head of the National Association of Evangelicals, after he was accused of cavorting with a gay escort?
"I'm actually not that concerned about sexually transmitted diseases," says Mark Raymond, 31, a gay escort in San Francisco.
Mr. Eberle also said he had no inkling that Mr. Guckert had created pornographic Web sites or offered himself as a gay escort.
"I was an escort, a gay escort," Mr. Jones explained to her patiently.
In 2007 he played Carter Page III, gay escort of privileged Washington D.C. women, in the film The Walker.
On February 20, 2005, The New York Times quoted Eberle, who said he had no inkling that Gannon may have created pornographic web sites or offered himself as a gay escort.