Sebastian meets Antonio in what appears to be a gay sailors' bar.
Then, on Dec. 30, a sailor went to the authorities and said he had been threatened by shipmates who accused him of being friends with gay sailors.
Only last year a gay sailor was murdered by a shipmate outside a naval base in Japan.
A14 The Administration appealed a ruling favoring a gay sailor.
The Navy is showing lawmakers a commander's sworn statement describing the disruption caused by a gay sailor's presence at a California naval base.
And that 'whoa-ho-ho' choir sounds like Cher leading an aircraft carrier full of gay sailors.
Even if Mr. McVeigh were to prove one such gay sailor, what has he done wrong?
When gay sailors were discharged, he volunteered to defend them.
He now ate with a group of gay sailors who called themselves the Fab Five.
That question is raised anew by the latest botched investigation - into the murder of a gay sailor by a shipmate near a base in Japan.