He also helped found the Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, a national gay-rights organization in Manhattan.
In recent years, the Internet has provided a new forum for critics, and the church's 2008 support of California's Proposition 8 sparked heated debate and protesting by gay-rights organizations.
"The Joint Chiefs' and the Pentagon's position was presented solidly," said Mr. Sheridan, the legislative director of Campaign for Military Service, a coalition of gay-rights organizations.
He is dedicating his trip to Cardinal John O'Connor of New York, who both ministered to AIDS patients and battled gay-rights organizations over condom distribution.
The announcement of Mr. Washington's treatment plan follows by two days his meeting with leaders of two gay-rights organizations.
The support caused an immediate response from gay-rights organizations, including GLAAD, which canceled all events planned for the hotel.
Mrs. Hadjys and officials of gay-rights organizations have suggested that the plea agreement might have been an attempt to bury the facts of the case.
And a leading gay-rights organization opposes the move, saying the diagnosis might be used to deny an applicant a job, in violation of city and state laws prohibiting discrimination based on actual or perceived disability.
His early support of Proposition 8 caused an immediate response from gay-rights organizations including GLAAD, which canceled any events that were to be held at the hotel.