Arkady lowered his eyelids at Steve and gazed coldly from beneath them.
Inez avoided eye contact, gazed coldly into Meridian's extended hand.
He gazed at her coldly: 'I just wanted to give you a little warning.
Gazing coldly at the prisoners, he said, "Is there anyone to speak for them?"
He gazed at the council member coldly for several seconds, and Grath Chain seemed to shrink in upon himself.
She gazed coldly at the blue and white awnings.
She gazed coldly at the smallish man, until his smile effaced itself.
Eyes of a wonderful sapphire blue gazed coldly into his.
Even before his victims hit the floor, Suvorov coldly gazed at the clock.
Now fully in command of himself, the lieutenant gazed coldly into the grey eyes of the Administrator.