Trip was geared directly towards the acid house music scene.
Since the early 1900s, the North Area had been a planned industrial community with its growth geared directly to the industry, military, and business communities.
They were being steered with a cabin wheel geared directly to four ground wheels.
Although they had a strong moral emphasis, they were not geared directly toward confession.
She wrote a variety of opinion pieces geared directly to her 2012 House race, and was interviewed by both local and national media.
"Not since 'Volare' has a hit been directly geared to the Italian people."
Each of the four traction motors is directly geared to a pair of driving wheels.
The crankshaft is geared directly to the clutch.
Sight, bringing almost total information, geared directly to the brain and thus the most efficient communicatory instrument ever devised or evolved.
The crankshaft is geared directly to the clutch, no counter balancer shaft is used.