Goldbeck L: Parental coping with the diagnosis of childhood cancer: gender effects, dissimilarity within couples, and quality of life.
While the gender effect is not consistent among studies, diagnosis at younger age and therapy for relapsed disease are uniformly associated with increased risk.
Young males are less cooperative than young females, but this gender effect reverses for older contestants since men become increasingly more cooperative as their age increases.
"Most surprising to me was the lack of gender effect," says co-author Catarina I. Kiefe, MD, PhD.
The Benton Visual Retention Test has proved to be a generalizable test with the ability to be accurately administered to participants aged 8-adult, and no gender effect.
There was no gender effect.
Psychosis, neurosis, and epilepsy: Developmental and gender related effects and their aetiological contribution.
The Commission needs to conduct research on the gender effect in pension reforms in Europe and I am sure that Viviane Reding will do that.
Studies have vacillated between findings that the gender effect on violence preference in games is significant and insignificant, however no firm conclusions have been achieved to date.
This gender effect was even more pronounced if the donor was younger (16 to 45 years) rather than older, and was also evident in kidney transplants among matched siblings.