One of the most striking examples is a gene called insulin growth factor 2 (Igf2).
Some people have cancer run in their family too through genes called oncogenes.
The researchers also identified a gene, called mec-6, that seems to be in some way necessary for the cell deaths.
It is caused by a change in a gene called FMR1.
At least four independent groups report that the new gene, called p16, seems to be playing a minor role, at best, in most cancers.
Scientists have isolated and described one gene called bcl-2 that blocks apoptosis.
We found that mutations in a gene called daf-2 doubled life span.
In humans it is encoded on chromosome 19 by a gene called C3.
It centered on a gene called sir2, for silent information regulator No. 2.
The ability of a person to wake up effectively in the morning may be influenced by a gene called "Period 3".