In most eucaryotic cells, genes consist of mingled exons and introns.
Each gene consists of DNA, the ladder-like structure that serves as a genetic carpenter, instructing the body what to construct.
An average gene consists of about 1,500 nucleotide base pairs, the chemical units that make up DNA.
The gene encoding neutrophil elastase, ELA2, consists of five exons.
The human gene maps to chromosome 2 q32.1 and consists of 4 exons that code for a protein of 1210 amino acids (137 kDa).
The gene also consist of nearly two identical regions, some think that they are duplicated regions.
This gene consists of nine exons including a gigantic exon spanning more than 12.8k bp.
This gene consists of three direct repeats of the ubiquitin coding sequence with no spacer sequence.
This gene maps to chromosome 20q11.2-q13.1, consists of a single exon and spans around 3 kb.
The gene for human Hop is located on chromosome 11q13.1 and consists of 14 exons.