Certainly any genes that make one more sexually attractive will find a market no matter what regulations applied.
On the other hand, it could be that if one selected genes at random, one might find many that seem to have something in common.
I knew the gene had found its right address in the animals I tested, but would it do the same in a human embryo?
Within the swine industry, two separate genes have found to influence the incidence of PSE meat conditions.
Older varieties of Cannabis, associated with long- standing cultural patterns, may contain genes not found in the newer commercial varieties.
Also, we know that the environment a gene finds itself in influences how and even if it will be expressed.
If these genes find their way into the wild, the genetic integrity of wild herds could be damaged.
Known as whole genome association, the technique has now helped them identify several genes not yet found by DeCode.
And, of course, the genes controlling shell shape will not find normal expression if the shell-secreting cells of the mantle are damaged.
"How do new genes find their way into the pool?"